Monet, Value of Color |
Images: Dream/Memory, 2
Written Dream/Memory and sketches due on Thur
In Class Project: Value of
(please print for class)
Images: Value of Color
Making Sandpaper Recipe We'll do this on Thursday. You'll need wc/printmaking paper, or mat board. You can get cheap pieces of mat board at SCRAPS
Mid Term Portfolio:
Requirements; due 3/12 NO LATES!!!!
Grade Sheet (FYI only)
Extra Credit Project: Add another 6 hours of drawing to your sketchbook due 3/12
- CCSF FOCUS magazine, send in jpgs of your artwork!!! deadline Fri 2/28
- Arc 48 Pillars reception Sat Feb 29 7-9pm (I have 3 figure drawings and you need to see ---Sarah newton's ink work!)
- Elmer Bischoff opens Sat 2/29, talk 4-5pm, exhibition 5-7pm Marin MOCA
- Gesture show, Analog Space, Fri. 3/6 closing party
- NINA KATZ, Figure show, Sat 3/7 talk 3-4pm, reception 5-7pm
- Tito Patri, landscapes, Museo Italo Americano til 3/8
- Pen and Ink demo day at Arch Sat. 3/21
- ONGOING exhibition opportunity at the English Lab
Over the Weekend: Do you have all your supplies?? Print out the assignment above. You should be spending time with your Dream/Memory project, it's your mid term. Take a look at portfolio requirements, do you have all your work done? No late portfolios will be accepted. Go see the ARC show on Saturday.
Tue 3/3 NO CLASSES, Teacher Meetings day
Thur 10/10
130B Value of Color
Materials: Same
-Written Dream/Memory and sketches due today
130C Work day