Tuesday, March 31, 2020

WEEK TWELVE: Light Across Form, 3/31-4/7

Student drawing, light across form
Project 5: Shape, due 3/31-4/7

Home Project: Primary Still Life
Images: Primary Still Life
Images: My Demos
How to set up for this project

Video: Wolf Kahn, one my very favorite pastel artists who just died last week. Wonderful to see him actually working on a drawing!

Saturday, March 21, 2020


3/21 IMPORTANT re Dropping Classes and repeatability:

Students who opt to drop their classes can do so without getting a W on their transcript. We’re going to apply this to any student that dropped a class after the announcement of the suspension of face-to-face classes on March 9th. 

Students can use the normal drop processes through myRAM (neƩ Web4) to take this option.

In addition to not appearing on transcripts, drops will not affect repeatability or count towards probation.

Students who drop classes will get any enrollment fees that they might have paid refunded. These refunds will be done automatically. We’re still getting clarity from the Feds about the impact on federal financial aid. Students that had gotten Free City grants will not have to repay any money they’d already gotten, but the drops may impact future payments.

Finally, the shift to online instruction will not impact the support for our veteran students.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

WEEK ELEVEN: Light Across Form, 3/20-26

Student drawing

OVER THE WEEKEND: Think about your color of black and white drawing, do some quick studies. Start collecting color photographs for upcoming collage based project. Make sure you plenty of  yellows and reds and dark purples for next week.
Tue March 24
130B: Light over Form-Red
Crit: Project 5
130C: Work day

Thur March 26 
-Light over Form-Yellow
-Intro Project 5

Tuesday, March 17, 2020


Diane Olivier, pen, ink, color pencil

We're all off now until I put up the next blog on Tuesday March 31. 

Enjoy your days off and I hope you find a way to include drawing into your week.  

I will be posting a new blog page Tuesday 3/31 8am with our work to do for the following week. Please make sure to check back. 

Thursday, March 12, 2020

WEEK TEN: Local Color, 3/13-19

Student work, Mango
Home Project: Local Color , due 3/31
More Notes on the Project
Images: Local Color
Notes: Markmaking

Project 5: Shape, due 3/31
Images: Shape Notes
Images:  More Shape 

I'm already overwhelmed with emails of your projects!!! Plus, you can't see each others work and make comments. 
So I'm going to try an app called PADLET.
-Here's how to join (FREE):
-Here's a quick HOW TO that I put together, read this first.
-Then click on this link https://padlet.com/dolivier3/niqbfv0h8t3x

"From the Ground Up", great article from the Pastel Magazine

PORTFOLIO REVIEW via EMAIL - please do use my email for this
You will be submitting your work to me via email. I will review and send you a few words and your grade. 
1. PROJECT 2: City/Room
3. PROJECT 3: Value - Drapery
4. In-class: Value - Gray Paper/Conte 
5. In-class: Color Wheel and Color Theory (5 parts)
6. In-class: Translating Value to Color, black and white photo translated with color value
7. PROJECT 4: Dream/Memory, including written Dream/Memory and sketches
NOTE: using your cell phone camera is fine. Make edges of paper parallel to edges of photo. Do your best to get the color and the light even.
SUBMIT: in your email message header put "130B Portfolio, your name" 
then send to diane.olivier@mail.ccsf.edu

SPRING BREAK starts 3/20, next blog 3/30 8am
-Last face to face classes Thur 3/12 (and every Monday a.m. while class is online)
-Spring Break no class 3/22-29

-Start classes again 3/30 online

WEEK TEN: Local Color, 3/13-19

Student work, Local color
Project 5: Shape, due 3/24
Images: Shape Notes
Images:  More Shape 

"From the Ground Up", great article from the Pastel Magazine
Over the Weekend: Review Shape project info and get working!  Finish your 3 Local Color drawings
Tue March 17: 
130B Local Color, bring fruit/veggie
130C work day

Thur March 19: 
130B Light over form-Blue still life

130C work day

Tuesday, March 10, 2020


what I look like when I draw
  • As you know by now, I canceled class today because I am one of those people in the very high risk category and have made the difficult decision to stay secluded. Please practice high standard hygiene and self seclude if you are high risk or sick.  
  • You also may now realize you haven't changed your CCSF email to be forwarded to the account you most use.  Here is the link to the directions again, do it now, I will be using this to communicate with you:
How can I forward CCSFmail to another email address?
24 hours / 7 days/ 365 days
Phone: (415) 239-3711 Email: helpdesk@ccsf.edu

I will not be in on Thursday either, looking for a sub but no confirmation yet. Check back here, check your email. 
    • Then the college has announced a temporary suspension of face-to-face classes, meetings and events, effective Friday, March 13, 2020. 
    • Classes are scheduled to resume on Monday, March 30th, via modified and online learning formats. Classes will remain in these formats until the end of the semester and commencement on May 21, 2020; or until the current state of emergency is officially lifted by the Board of Trustees.
    • Spring Break will be moved up from week of March 30th to week of March 23rd


    Thursday, March 5, 2020

    WEEK NINE: Critiques, 3/6-12

    Rene Magritte
    UPDATED 3/11
    Project 4Dream/Memory due 3/12
    Images: Dream/Memory 4
    DREAM/MEMORY Crit on hold, will send separate info for this

    In class Project: Local Color 
    More Notes on the Project
    Images: Local Color
    Notes: Markmaking

    Mid Term Portfolio: ON HOLD FOR NOW Requirements
    Mid Term Portfolio: Grade Sheet (FYI)
    Extra Credit Project: Add another 6 hours of drawing to your sketchbook 
    Over the Weekend: Is that Dream/Memory as spectacular as it could be???? Put time into it!!! Put together your portfolio, follow directions please. Portfolio due on Thursday!! 
    Tue 3/10 
    130A Local Color (work from home)
    130C Work day

    Thur 3/12 
    L130A Local Color (work from home)
    130C Work day  (work from home)